Build Kairos appliances

This documentation section describes how the Kairos Kubernetes Native API extensions can be used to build custom appliances or booting medium for Kairos.

While it’s possible to just run Kairos from the artifacts provided by our release process, there are specific use-cases which needs extended customization, for example when additional kernel modules, or custom, user-defined logic that you might want to embed in the media used for installations.

Note the same can be achieved by using advanced configuration and actually modify the images during installation phase by leveraging the chroot stages that takes place in the image - this is discouraged - as it goes in opposite with the “Single Image”, “No infrastructure drift” approach of Kairos. The idea here is to create a system from “scratch” and apply that on the nodes - not to run any specific logic on the node itself.

To achieve that, Kairos provides a set of Kubernetes Native Extensions that allow to programmatically generate Installable mediums, Cloud Images and Netboot artifacts. These provide on-demand customization and exploit Kubernetes patterns to automatically provision nodes using control-plane management clusters - however, the same toolset can be used to build appliances for local development and debugging.

The automated section already shows some examples of how to leverage the Kubernetes Native Extensions and use the Kairos images to build appliances, in this section we will cover and describe in detail how to leverage the CRDs and the Kairos factory to build custom appliances.


When building locally, only docker is required to be installed on the system. To build with the Kubernetes Native extensions, a Kubernetes cluster is required and helm and kubectl installed locally. Note kind can be used as well. The Native extensions don’t require any special permission, and run completely unprivileged.


To build with Kubernetes we need to install the Kairos osbuilder controller.

The chart depends on cert-manager. You can install the latest version of cert-manager by running the following commands:

kubectl apply -f
kubectl wait --for=condition=Available deployment --timeout=2m -n cert-manager --all

Install the Kubernetes charts with helm:

helm repo add kairos
helm repo update
helm install kairos-crd kairos/kairos-crds
helm install kairos-osbuilder kairos/osbuilder

Among the things deployed by the helm chart, is also an nginx server which is used to serve the artifact files after they are built. See below for more.

Build an ISO

To build an ISO, consider the following spec, which provides a hybrid bootable ISO (UEFI/MBR), with the core kairos image, adding helm:

kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  name: cloud-config
  userdata: |
    - name: "kairos"
      passwd: "kairos"
      device: "auto"
      reboot: true
      poweroff: false
      auto: true # Required, for automated installations    
kind: OSArtifact
  name: hello-kairos
  imageName: ""
  iso: true
  # Bundles available at:
    name: cloud-config
    key: userdata
    - template:
            restartPolicy: Never
            - name: upload
                - /bin/sh
                - -c
                - |
                    for f in $(ls /artifacts)
                    curl -T /artifacts/$f http://osartifactbuilder-operator-osbuilder-nginx/upload/$f
                - name: artifacts
                    mountPath: /artifacts

Apply the manifest with kubectl apply.

Note, the CRD allows to specify a custom Cloud config file, check out the full configuration reference.

As mentioned above, there is an nginx server that will serve the built artifacts as soon as they are ready. By default, it is exposed with a NodePort type of service. Use the following commands to get its URL:

The controller will create a pod that builds the ISO ( we can follow the process by tailing to the containers log ) and later makes it accessible to its own dedicated service (nodeport by default):

$ PORT=$(kubectl get svc osartifactbuilder-operator-osbuilder-nginx -o json | jq '.spec.ports[0].nodePort')
$ curl http://<node-ip>:$PORT/hello-kairos.iso -o output.iso

Netboot artifacts

It is possible to use the CRD to prepare artifacts required for netbooting, by enabling netboot: true for instance:

kind: OSArtifact
  name: hello-kairos
  imageName: ""
  netboot: true
  netbootURL: ...
  bundles: ...
  cloudConfig: ...
  exporters: ...

Build a Cloud Image

Cloud images are images that automatically boots into recovery mode and can be used to deploy whatever image you want to the VM. Custom user-data from the Cloud provider is automatically retrieved, additionally the CRD allows to embed a custom cloudConfig so that we can use to make configuration permanent also for VM images running outside a cloud provider.

A Cloud Image boots in QEMU and also in AWS, consider:

kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  name: cloud-config
  userdata: |
    - name: "kairos"
      passwd: "kairos"
    name: "Default deployment"
      - name: "Repart image"
            label: COS_RECOVERY
            - fsLabel: COS_STATE
              size: 16240 # At least 16gb
              pLabel: state
      - name: "Repart image"
            label: COS_RECOVERY
            - fsLabel: COS_PERSISTENT
              pLabel: persistent
              size: 0 # all space
      - if: '[ -f "/run/cos/recovery_mode" ] && [ ! -e /usr/local/.deployed ]'
        name: "Deploy kairos"
          - kairos-agent --debug reset --unattended
          - touch /usr/local/.deployed
          - reboot    
kind: OSArtifact
  name: hello-kairos
  imageName: ""
  cloudImage: true
    name: cloud-config
    key: userdata

Note: Since the image come with only the recovery system populated, we need to apply a cloud-config similar to this one which tells which container image we want to deploy. The first steps when the machine boots into is to actually create the partitions needed to boot the active and the passive images, and its populated during the first boot.

After applying the spec, the controller will create a Kubernetes Job which runs the build process and then copy the produced hello-kairos.raw file to the nginx server (see above). Alternatively you may configure your own job to copy the content elsewhere. This file is an EFI bootable raw disk, bootable in QEMU and compatible with AWS which automatically provisions the node:

$ PORT=$(kubectl get svc osartifactbuilder-operator-osbuilder-nginx -o json | jq '.spec.ports[0].nodePort')
$ curl http://<node-ip>:$PORT/hello-kairos.raw -o output.raw

Note, in order to use the image with QEMU, we need to resize the disk at least to 32GB, this can be done with the CRD by setting diskSize: 32000 or by truncating the file after downloading:

truncate -s "+$((32000*1024*1024))" hello-kairos.raw 

This is not required if running the image in the Cloud as providers usually resize the disk during import or creation of new instances.

To run the image locally with QEMU we need qemu installed in the system, and we need to be able to run VMs with EFI, for example:

qemu-system-x86_64 -m 2048 -bios /usr/share/qemu/ovmf-x86_64.bin -drive if=virtio,media=disk,file=output.raw

Use the Image in AWS

To consume the image, copy it into an s3 bucket:

aws s3 cp <cos-raw-image> s3://<your_s3_bucket>

Create a container.json file referring to it:

"Description": "Kairos custom image",
"Format": "raw",
"UserBucket": {
  "S3Bucket": "<your_s3_bucket>",
  "S3Key": "<cos-raw-image>"

Import the image:

aws ec2 import-snapshot --description "Kairos custom image" --disk-container file://container.json

Follow the procedure described in AWS docs to register an AMI from snapshot. Use all default settings except for the firmware, set to force to UEFI boot.

Use the Image in OpenStack

First get the generated image:

$ PORT=$(kubectl get svc osartifactbuilder-operator-osbuilder-nginx -o json | jq '.spec.ports[0].nodePort')
$ curl http://<node-ip>:$PORT/hello-kairos.raw -o output.raw

Import the image to Glance:

osp image create hello-kairos-image --property hw_firmware_type='uefi' --file ./hello-kairos.raw

Image could be used to create an OpenStack instance.

Set the property to force to UEFI boot. If not kairos won’t be able to start and you could be prompted endlessly by :

Booting from hard drive...

Build a Cloud Image for Azure

Similarly we can build images for Azure, consider:

kind: OSArtifact
  name: hello-kairos
  imageName: ""
  azureImage: true

Will generate a compressed disk hello-kairos-azure.vhd ready to be used in Azure.

$ PORT=$(kubectl get svc osartifactbuilder-operator-osbuilder-nginx -o json | jq '.spec.ports[0].nodePort')
$ curl http://<node-ip>:$PORT/hello-kairos-azure.vhd -o output.vhd

How to use the image in Azure

Upload the Azure Cloud VHD disk in .vhda format to your bucket:

az storage copy --source <cos-azure-image> --destination https://<account><container>/<destination-azure-image>

Import the disk:

az image create --resource-group <resource-group> --source https://<account><container>/<destination-azure-image> --os-type linux --hyper-v-generation v2 --name <image-name>

Note: There is currently no way of altering the boot disk of an Azure VM via GUI, use the az to launch the VM with an expanded OS disk if needed

Build a Cloud Image for GCE

Similarly we can build images for GCE, consider:

kind: OSArtifact
  name: hello-kairos
  imageName: ""
  gceImage: true

Will generate a compressed disk hello-kairos.gce.raw.tar.gz ready to be used in GCE.

$ PORT=$(kubectl get svc osartifactbuilder-operator-osbuilder-nginx -o json | jq '.spec.ports[0].nodePort')
$ curl http://<node-ip>:$PORT/hello-kairos.gce.raw.tar.gz -o output.gce.raw.tar.gz

How to use the image in GCE

To upload the image in GCE (compressed):

gsutil cp <cos-gce-image> gs://<your_bucket>/

Import the disk:

gcloud compute images create <new_image_name> --source-uri=<your_bucket>/<cos-gce-image> --guest-os-features=UEFI_COMPATIBLE

See here how to use a cloud-init with Google cloud.