Container based
Kairos is a container-based operating system (OS).
A container-based operating system is an OS that is shipped via containers. Indeed, if it happens to be based on Linux (most probably), you can run the container image as well on your Docker daemon. The image being booted is the container, which contains all the required pieces in order to boot (Kernel, Initrd, Init system). There is no real container runtime running the image. The container is used to construct an image internally that is then used to boot the system in an A/B fashion, so there is no overhead introduced. The system being booted is actually a snapshot of the container.
- Single-image The OS is a single container image which contains all the OS components, including Kernel and Initrd.
- Tamper-proof upgrades Upgrades are atomic, A/B swaps with fallback mechanisms and automatic boot assessment.
- Distributed via container registries Bootable images are standard OCI artifacts that can be hosted in any container regist
- Platform Engineer-friendly Adapt the infrastructure to your needs by plugging images into your already-existing workflow pipeline. Customizing an immutable OS becomes as easy as writing a Dockerfile.
A/B Upgrades
Upgrades are atomic operations that can be triggered manually or via Kubernetes. The node will create a transition image that will be swapped for the Active system, and the Active system becomes Passive. This ensures tamper-proof upgrades and automated fallback and boot assessment strategies are in place to automatically boot from the fallback system. The recovery image can be furthermore exploited to completely automatize node recovery.
- Container registries are already widely supported and used by anyone.
- Reduce infrastructure drift, by pushing upgrades as single images, with atomic upgrades.
If you are operating a Kubernetes cluster and deploying applications on top, chances are that you already have a container registry deployed somewhere and configured to store them or manage your infrastructure stack. By using container images, you can reuse the same infrastructure to propagate upgrades to the nodes and handle customizations.
Container images can be extended after a build by using standard container building practices and seamlessly plug into your existing pipelines. Kairos allows to seamlessly upgrade to container images that are derived from other versions.
We believe that bringing rollbacks, or incremental patches upgrades increases the exposure to infrastructure drift. In opposition, immutable, single images are deployed to the nodes as they were apps - no more discrepancies in your nodes - no need of configuration management tools like Chef, Ansible, or alikes.
This means that to customize a Kairos version, all that is required is to build a standard container image with a plain Dockerfile—plus, the bits that are actually needed - we can’t touch a system as we are typically used to.
If you are familiar with Dockerfiles, then you are good to go to roll your own custom OS version to provision in the nodes. That removes any friction to questions like, “How do I add this package to my nodes?”, or more complex ones as, “How can I replace with my own Kernel?”.
Container Image based OS
The Image support matrix in here lists all the container images built from our CI on every release of Kairos.
To inspect an image and run it locally, you can use a container engine like Docker or Podman:
$ docker pull
We can run it locally with docker as a container to inspect it, as it is runnable:
$ docker run -ti --rm
/ # cat /etc/os-release
KAIROS_PRETTY_NAME="kairos-core-debian v3.0.1"
And check out things like what’s the kernel inside:
The CI process generates bootable medium by the container images, and similarly, we can modify this image to introduce our changes and remaster an ISO as described in Automated installation, but that can be resumed in the following steps:
In order to go further and upgrade nodes using this image, now the only requirement is to push it in a container registry and upgrade the nodes using that container image.
For upgrading to a container image see manual upgrades and kubernetes upgrades.
See also
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