Kairos release v3.1.1

Kairos release v3.1.1

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We are thrilled to announce the release of Kairos v3.1.1! This patch release is a bugfix and security release.

Key Features and Updates

All binaries built with latest go version (1.22.5)

  • To enhance security and address existing CVEs, we updated the build version of GoLang across all our binaries. This involved systematically bumping the GoLang version in our build configurations to the latest stable release. By doing so, we ensured that our applications benefit from the latest security patches, performance improvements, and bug fixes. This proactive measure not only mitigates vulnerabilities but also aligns our development environment with best practices, fortifying our software against emerging threats.

Alpine RPI fixes

  • We concentrated our efforts on resolving the remaining issues with Alpine RPI. Our team diligently identified and addressed the last of the reported bugs, ensuring that the system operates smoothly and efficiently on Raspberry Pi devices. Through rigorous testing and meticulous updates, we successfully enhanced the stability and performance of the platform, providing a more reliable and seamless experience for our users.

Full Changelog

For a detailed list of changes, improvements, and known issues, please visit the full changelog on GitHub.

This release is a testament to our commitment to providing a robust and secure edge computing platform. We extend our deepest gratitude to our community for their invaluable contributions and support.

Thank you for being a part of the Kairos journey. Happy upgrading!

Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements.

Last modified July 22, 2024: Fix blog entry header (d4d5dda)