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Build a Kairos Image and Upgrade Your Cluster

Kairos is an immutable OS so we cannot install new packages on a running system. Instead, adding packages is achieved by building a container image and upgrading the node with it.


  • A single node Kairos cluster as the one deployed in the Getting Started guide.
  • Access to Docker or a different container engine on your machine

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As we saw in the previous section on how to configure Kairos, it is not possible to add packages on a running system because it is mounted as read-only. Instead we are going to use containers to extend our base Kairos image. Containers play a central role on Kairos lifecycle.

Start by creating a file called Dockerfile with the following content


RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y ruby

We base our own image on the Kairos image, then we proceed to install the ruby package. This would be done differently depending on the package manager of the flavor of your choosing.

Now we build the image

docker build -t .

I’m using as my repositoy becuase it is a temporary one, but you can use whichever you prefer. In this case the 24h tag means that this image will only be accessible for 24 hours. I also named my image in a way that is helpful for me to keep track of the different changes within my images, in this case I use semver but you can use whatever other means for tracking changes.

And we need to push it out to a registry

docker push

Upgrading a Kairos node manually

There are different ways to upgrade a Kairos node, in this case we will follow a manual approach just to get you initiated on doing Day-2 operations to a Kairos cluster. Make sure to also check out the other ways to upgrade your Kairos system and clusters.

  1. SSH into the node
  2. Run an upgrade with the Kairos agent and add your image as the source
kairos-agent upgrade --source
  1. Reboot the system


Congrats! You have now taken your Kairos experience to another level. You can now create your own images and upgrade your nodes, soon you will be an expert.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When should I add things on the Dockerfile and when to the cloud-config?

The answer to this will depend on your setup but here are two things to keep in mind. If you can install software via Kubernetes, then you don’t need to build your own images, for example for a Ruby on Rails application, you don’t need Ruby at the host system, since it will running in containers. If you cannot or don’t want to install on Kubernetes, then just keep this in mind. Changes to your cloud-config can be applied on a node and the effects will be present as soon as you reboot, giving you a faster feedback loop, while changes done at the Dockerfile level, will require that you build a new image and upgrade all your nodes.

What if I don’t want to base my image on the Kairos released artifacts?

No problem, just build your image from scratch

Can I easily rollback an upgrade?

Yes you can! Boot into the passive (fallback) system, and apply an upgrade with the previous image (or to any image you’d rather upgrade to). This will completely replace the active image with the one you specify, keeping your passive image intact.

What’s next?

Check other ways to upgrade Kairos

Upgrade Guide

Create your own Kairos Flavor

Build from Scratch Guide

Got stuck?

Troubleshooting Guide
Last modified September 7, 2024: Update (192683e)